Councillor vacancies

Added on 12 June 2014

There are still two unoccupied seats on Stow Bedon & Breckles Parish Council, following the resignation of two members some months ago. The Council has been given the power to fill these by co-opting, but needs suitable candidates to come forward for consideration. Membership of the Council is n...

Is this a scam?

Added on 14 February 2014

We've all experienced it. Somebody comes, uninvited, to the door selling something, and you either buy it or turn them away. But when a man with a pick-up arrived at a home in Breckles offering to sell and spread gravel on the drive, the householder wondered. Firstly, he priced it by the square ...

"Totally unnacceptable" development may be approved

Added on 09 February 2014

“Totally unacceptable” was how a member of Breckland Council’s Planning Committee described the way the directors of Traditional Norfolk Poultry (TNP) had behaved in their development of a chicken and turkey farm on the 2000 year-old Peddars Way in Stow Bedon. The applications were...

Farm accused of causing damage to 2000-year-old road

Added on 30 October 2013

Our headline is how the EDP described the meeting of Breckland Council's Planning Meeting last Monday, when the members refused all seven retrospective applications by Traditional Norfolk Poultry (TNP) to retain the poultry farm they had constructed at Breckles Heath without obtaining permissio...