Breckles Village Sign

Added on 21 May 2013

At the Council's Annual Meeting on 20 May the Chairman announced that it was looking into the possibility of getting a village sign for Breckles, 'so that Breckles would feel less of a "poor relation" when compared with Stow Bedon!' The first village signs in England were comm...

Unauthorised Developments on Peddars Way

Added on 18 September 2012

You may have noticed that two new developments have sprung up on Peddars Way, just to the south of Thompson Water. Watering Farm, which used to be a small duck farm although unused for several years, has been virtually demolished and five massive pig rearing units have been built with a number of ...

Jubilee Street Party Pictures

Added on 06 June 2012

If you were at the street party and have any digital pictures that you would like to be included on the web site please could you forward them to the chairman who's name and contact details can be found on the councillors & clerk page. Pictures are being uploaded as they come in and as time...

BT Phone Box

Added on 18 October 2011

Last year the Council adopted the BT phone box in Mere Road. After taking it on it decided that it really needed repainting, as it clearly hadn't been done by BT for many, many years. We did try to get BT to carry out this essential maintenance work before passing responsibility for the box ove...