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St. Margaret's Church
Sunset over Stow Bedon

Stow Bedon & Breckles Parish Council


Added on 17 March 2015

Everybody must surely be aware that there will be a General Election on 7 May.

However, this is not the only election to take place on that day. Breckland Councillors are also up for election, and Stow Bedon & Breckles will be part of a new, larger, two-member ward.

More locally, and perhaps more importantly, all the exisiting members of the Parish Council will cease to hold office, and there will be an election to fill the seven seats.

Most people think of an election as going to the polling station and putting a cross on a ballot paper. However, that process (correctly called a 'poll') is only needed if there are more candidates than seats. So, just as Gordon Brown was elected as party leader (and therefore Prime Minister) without a poll, Councillors can be elected without anybody voting for them!

The outgoing Parish Council does, though, have a vacancy. So even if all the others were to stand again for election, there is still a space in this very important job waiting to be filled. So, if you do think you might be interested in standing for the seat (forgivew the pun), do speak to the Clerk, Julian Gibson (01953 499980). He can tell you what is involved, and provide a Nomination form and the all important timetable.

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