Safer Neighbourhood Team out and about
Added on 05 December 2014
The Watton Safer Neighbourhood Team will be out and about at the following locations over the next 2 months. Come and have your say about how they police your area and let them know your concerns or problems.
Saturday 6th December – Tesco, Watton, 13.00-14.00
Monday 15th December – Boots, Watton, 13.00-14.00
Tuesday 16th December – Tesco, Watton 13.00-14.00
Friday 9th January - Caston Village Hall 10.30-11.00
Saturday 11th January - Co-Op, Watton 12.00-13.00
Tuesday 20th January - Scoulton Village Hall 10.15-11.00
Sunday 25th January - Blenheim Grange Community Cabin 15.00-16.00